2007年12月23日 星期日

12/23 Free Writing

       On this week our school announces the institute examination passes students list, I was very glad to be enrolled, but on the other side my classmates were not be enrolled, it was a pity, because they were also very serious to prepare the institute examination. Although according to the grade data of in the past, my classmates should has chance to be enrolled, but this great exception has occur this year, I thought this result was made many students surprised, because I felt surprised too, but since the result was already sureness, then relax the heart to accept may be more better. People said “All roads lead to Rome!” so if we are very sure of our objective, and keep making an effort walk to there, there was not only one way to Rome, our future was controlled in our hand. Cheer up! My friends.

2007年12月17日 星期一

Compare and contrast living at home and in the dormitory (2 nd)

       Living in the dormitory was a great experience, it might would not happen in everyone's growth process, however in regard to a boy, they will have at least a time to undergone a military life that was like dormitory experience, so why I said “Living in the dormitory is a great experience”? Because it was different with living at home.

       First of all, the difference was that living in the dormitory must deal with a lot of trivial matters myself, but if I was living at home my parent would deal with these trivial matters, living in the dormitory I must clean the room, wash clothes, the oneself get up, these things can help your independence in the heart. The second is how a society get along with the person, because not only me live alone in this room but also still have other room-mates, so I would meet the difference room-mate's individual character, work and rest habits, the ability that the society communicates, stipulate to some arrangements of sweeping the work, rule of the dormitory, but if I live at home, I did not need follow the regulation and learn how to fit with another person habits. And such life could help me gain my social ability, because I must get used to getting along with the person of different individual characters, and get along with the person who have different interest, this would help me to train interest of a lot of respects, vision. But living at home will not straightforward help me gain social ability, because that is not life of a group. The third aspect is Perhaps can at any time of discuss the homework with the classmate, it can help me more faster to study every courses, because if I living at home, I can’t discuss the homework with the classmate immediately.

       Living at home or in the dormitory all has different advantages or disadvantages. And I like two kinds of life styles very much, although most of this paragraph is mention the advantage of about living in the dormitory. In fact, living at home also has several advantages, for example like in diet aspect I could eat more health food when I living at home, but if I living in the dormitory maybe I would eat more fast food. Another advantage is life would more regulation. However, how to suit independent life is an important concept in the growing up, because it can change you more mature attitude while facing a lot of questions in the future.

2007年12月16日 星期日

12/16 Free Writing -- climbing the mountain

       The weather was good on this weekend, so I went to climb the hill in Tianmu(天母), we had been walk till the Chinese Culture University in Yang-Ming Mountain, it approximately spend four hours till there, In fact, took time to exercise in busy life was a very important thing, the appropriate exercise could remove the muscle to stretch taut, see the scenery and appropriate exercise in the top of hill, it could reduced the stress on the our body and our mind, when you went back to work you would feel your body more relax, so climbing the mountain is a very good outdoor exercise.

2007年12月8日 星期六

Compare and contrast living at home and in the dormitory (1st)

      Living in the dormitory was a great experience, it might would not happen in everyone's growth process, however in regard to a boy, they will have at least a time to undergone a military life that was like dormitory experience, so why I said “Living in the dormitory is a great experience”? Because it was different with living at home.

      First of all, the difference was that living in the dormitory must deal with a lot of trivial matters myself, but if I was living at home my parent would deal with these trivial matters, living in the dormitory I must clean the room, wash clothes, the oneself get up, these things can help your independence in the heart. The second is how a society get along with the person, because not only me live alone in this room but also still have other room-mates, so I would meet the difference room-mate's individual character, work and rest habits, the ability that the society communicates, stipulate to some arrangements of sweeping the work, rule of the dormitory, but if I live at home, I did not need follow the regulation and learn how to fit with another person habits. The third such life could help me gain my social ability, because I must get used to getting along with the person of different individual characters, and get along with the person who have different interest, this would help me to train interest of a lot of respects, vision. But living at home will not straightforward help me gain social ability, because that is not life of a group.

      Living at home or in the dormitory all has different advantages or disadvantages. However, how to suit independent life is an important concept in the growing up, because it can change you more mature attitude while facing a lot of questions in the future.