2007年12月23日 星期日

12/23 Free Writing

       On this week our school announces the institute examination passes students list, I was very glad to be enrolled, but on the other side my classmates were not be enrolled, it was a pity, because they were also very serious to prepare the institute examination. Although according to the grade data of in the past, my classmates should has chance to be enrolled, but this great exception has occur this year, I thought this result was made many students surprised, because I felt surprised too, but since the result was already sureness, then relax the heart to accept may be more better. People said “All roads lead to Rome!” so if we are very sure of our objective, and keep making an effort walk to there, there was not only one way to Rome, our future was controlled in our hand. Cheer up! My friends.

1 則留言:

Ping J. Chen 提到...

Ah, I guess I figured out why you were enrolled. It is because you are such a considerate and hard-working person so God or Buddha grants you the good luck. You know, I think the greatest assest of you is the good heart which I can tell from your writing. Congratulations!!
