2008年1月18日 星期五

2008/01/19 Free Writing

      Today I went to the school library, I want to find a book that name is "即戰力",the book author was "大前研一", it was not a new book, but when I found book in the library, unfortunately, it was already be loaned out.
      Why did I want to read this book, because it mention an important concept that was "How to become a world-wide talent". I read on the Internet some of its introduction, there are three major concepts to convey to the readers, I thought that more related to my situation first concept is "Training language ability." Because it is a globalize society, we must learn how to get along with different people in order to enhance our competitiveness, so to strengthen our language skills will be the first key point, that can help us in different circumstances learn more broad knowledge, in other words, it make us to have better mobility. I have reserved this book, when I read more content in the book, perhaps I would write down more feeling of this book.

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