2008年1月7日 星期一

The Effects of an Invention or Innovation in Modern Life(1st)

      In these twenty years, many technology products have been invented in the application of human life, the main purpose of these products is hope that our lives more convenient, more efficient. The invention of cell phones, let people from traditional wired telephone, correspondence, these fixed location communications change into another kind of moveable communications. This invention brought us a lot of convenience, for example, in work, friends, and family contact between more quickly.

      The main advantages of cell phones is its immediate, when I need to make a phone call to someone, I do not need to find outdoor public telephone or indoor telephone to contact each other, as long as use the cell phone I can direct take a phone call to another person, without the need to spend time looking for other telephone, and another advantage is not necessary always remember each other's phone number, because most cell phones all provide the telephone book function, through a simple search, we can get the phone number that can take a call, or we can write a text message through cell phone send to another phone, these two communication methods are very popular.

      In addition to calling features, another advantage of cell phone also has many additional features, for example, a calendar function, we are able to record what was the important thing and when to do, and setting alarm remind ourselves. And now most the cell phones are also combine music player, USB flash drives, digital cameras in the inside. So when you need to listen to music, or sometimes need to carry computer files to another computer, or temporary need to take photographs, you do not need with MP3 Player, USB flash drives, digital cameras carrying in the body, as long as you have cell phone that are able to cope with the demand for temporary above situation.

      Finally, some cell phone even better provide the functions of access to the Internet, in the past we just use computer access to the Internet. The technique of wireless communications, allows us to use the Internet more immediate, more convenience, even in the outside, you can still use cell phones to receiving the mail, booking the ticket, Web browsing, and so on.

      Although cell phones have many advantages, but in fact still has some disadvantages, for example, long-controversial topic such as "the impact of electromagnetic waves to the brain," this is not yet confirmed problems. Another disadvantage is very easy to be contact, especially when you want to enjoy the holidays, if cell phones are often sounded, you might lose the holiday mood, however, it is undeniable our dependence on cell phone, In this digital age, in the future such as the control of Information Appliances(IA:資訊家電) are intended to integrate the functions of cell phones, application of mobile phones will be more widespread, it will certainly bring to our lives more convenient.

2 則留言:

Louise 提到...

1.Topic Sentence:The invention of cell phones, let people from traditional wired telephone, correspondence, these fixed location communications change into another kind of moveable communications.


3.各段所提的論點和每一段的Topic Sentence相符,不過在第一段似乎沒有先點出來

4.I think it's enough

5.the second paragraph I especially like it. Because it metions a lot of features in our daily life about cell phones.

6.I want to know more about "the impact of electromagnetic waves to the brain". I think it just very close to our life

7.I think the essay is good to read

8.I think maybe the second paragraph "as long as using the cell phone". the "need to" maybe your can choose one into "have to"

9.I think it's a nice writing. We live in a information century and we even can not let the cell phone leave our life. And you mention it's a digital age. you even mention what will happenend with the cell phones in the future.

Linda1 提到...

1.Thesis statement: The invention of cell phones, let people from traditional wired telephone, correspondence, these fixed location communications change into another kind of moveable communications.
Topic sentences:
A.The main advantages of cell phones is its immediate.
B.In addition to calling features, another advantage of cell phone also has many additional features.
C.Finally, some cell phone even better provide the functions of access to the Internet, in the past we just use computer access to the Internet.
D.Although cell phones have many advantages, but in fact cell phones still have some disadvantages.
2.Yes, the topic sentence supports the thesis statement.
3.Yes, the support in the paragraph supports the topic sentence.
4.Yes, I think there are enough examples and details to support the major points.
5.“In this digital age, in the future such as the control of Information Appliances(IA) are intended to integrate the functions of cell phones, application of mobile phones will be more widespread, it will certainly bring to our lives more convenient.” is the part I especially liked.
6.I have no idea.
7.In my opinion, the writer has made the essay interesting to the reader.
8.Grammars: “we are able to record what was the important thing” should be “we are able to record what the important thing was”.