2007年12月23日 星期日

12/23 Free Writing

       On this week our school announces the institute examination passes students list, I was very glad to be enrolled, but on the other side my classmates were not be enrolled, it was a pity, because they were also very serious to prepare the institute examination. Although according to the grade data of in the past, my classmates should has chance to be enrolled, but this great exception has occur this year, I thought this result was made many students surprised, because I felt surprised too, but since the result was already sureness, then relax the heart to accept may be more better. People said “All roads lead to Rome!” so if we are very sure of our objective, and keep making an effort walk to there, there was not only one way to Rome, our future was controlled in our hand. Cheer up! My friends.

2007年12月17日 星期一

Compare and contrast living at home and in the dormitory (2 nd)

       Living in the dormitory was a great experience, it might would not happen in everyone's growth process, however in regard to a boy, they will have at least a time to undergone a military life that was like dormitory experience, so why I said “Living in the dormitory is a great experience”? Because it was different with living at home.

       First of all, the difference was that living in the dormitory must deal with a lot of trivial matters myself, but if I was living at home my parent would deal with these trivial matters, living in the dormitory I must clean the room, wash clothes, the oneself get up, these things can help your independence in the heart. The second is how a society get along with the person, because not only me live alone in this room but also still have other room-mates, so I would meet the difference room-mate's individual character, work and rest habits, the ability that the society communicates, stipulate to some arrangements of sweeping the work, rule of the dormitory, but if I live at home, I did not need follow the regulation and learn how to fit with another person habits. And such life could help me gain my social ability, because I must get used to getting along with the person of different individual characters, and get along with the person who have different interest, this would help me to train interest of a lot of respects, vision. But living at home will not straightforward help me gain social ability, because that is not life of a group. The third aspect is Perhaps can at any time of discuss the homework with the classmate, it can help me more faster to study every courses, because if I living at home, I can’t discuss the homework with the classmate immediately.

       Living at home or in the dormitory all has different advantages or disadvantages. And I like two kinds of life styles very much, although most of this paragraph is mention the advantage of about living in the dormitory. In fact, living at home also has several advantages, for example like in diet aspect I could eat more health food when I living at home, but if I living in the dormitory maybe I would eat more fast food. Another advantage is life would more regulation. However, how to suit independent life is an important concept in the growing up, because it can change you more mature attitude while facing a lot of questions in the future.

2007年12月16日 星期日

12/16 Free Writing -- climbing the mountain

       The weather was good on this weekend, so I went to climb the hill in Tianmu(天母), we had been walk till the Chinese Culture University in Yang-Ming Mountain, it approximately spend four hours till there, In fact, took time to exercise in busy life was a very important thing, the appropriate exercise could remove the muscle to stretch taut, see the scenery and appropriate exercise in the top of hill, it could reduced the stress on the our body and our mind, when you went back to work you would feel your body more relax, so climbing the mountain is a very good outdoor exercise.

2007年12月8日 星期六

Compare and contrast living at home and in the dormitory (1st)

      Living in the dormitory was a great experience, it might would not happen in everyone's growth process, however in regard to a boy, they will have at least a time to undergone a military life that was like dormitory experience, so why I said “Living in the dormitory is a great experience”? Because it was different with living at home.

      First of all, the difference was that living in the dormitory must deal with a lot of trivial matters myself, but if I was living at home my parent would deal with these trivial matters, living in the dormitory I must clean the room, wash clothes, the oneself get up, these things can help your independence in the heart. The second is how a society get along with the person, because not only me live alone in this room but also still have other room-mates, so I would meet the difference room-mate's individual character, work and rest habits, the ability that the society communicates, stipulate to some arrangements of sweeping the work, rule of the dormitory, but if I live at home, I did not need follow the regulation and learn how to fit with another person habits. The third such life could help me gain my social ability, because I must get used to getting along with the person of different individual characters, and get along with the person who have different interest, this would help me to train interest of a lot of respects, vision. But living at home will not straightforward help me gain social ability, because that is not life of a group.

      Living at home or in the dormitory all has different advantages or disadvantages. However, how to suit independent life is an important concept in the growing up, because it can change you more mature attitude while facing a lot of questions in the future.

2007年11月28日 星期三

11/28 Free Writing (Learning Attitude)

       My elective two English Courses let me understood an important concept in this week, that is “keep a good attitude to learn everything”. So I thought might this a problem why my English ability could not had obvious progress compare with other self-ability, learning English could not got instant results, so the perseverance and method are important key points, a teacher taught us, we must very serious establish self English study plan, and did not want to caught every points, just executed step by step, and keep executing exhaustive, so English ability would had obvious progress. Another teacher said, learning English should had comprehensive plan, like “Whole Language” learning, didn’t just emphasize only one aspect, and then ignore other aspects, because each other has the relationships, that just is the right attitude that learns English.

      Meet these two teachers to really let me feel to rejoice very much, because they all taught us of the decisive learning attitude.


2007年11月26日 星期一

Why did I choose my major (final)

      I chose Electrical Engineering (EE) as my major due to my father's suggestion. Because EE was a main industry in Taiwan, so my father thought that majoring in EE might help me to have a stable job in the future.

      In the beginning, I did not have any interest in EE because what I had learned before were traditional courses such as motor circuit or electric circuit. I was more interested in the computer knowledge. When I went to the NTUST to study, we learned more high-tech electrical engineering knowledge. Unlike the motor knowledge of the past, we learned relatively such as the micro-computer technology that combines both hardware and software design knowledge, because EE is my major, so I have been in touch with hardware knowledge many years, that is not difficult to me, but computer program design are more strange for me. Then I started to get in touch with the computer program design, the concept of program design is very funny, first I need to plan how many functions I want to design in my mind, second I start to implement these function just use program language, In the beginning the program code(functions) was very simple. When I deployed the code on the execution environment, I could saw my program how to drive the hardware to work, for example like LED twinkle have the sequence or display number on the signal panel, that was so fascinate to me, so I wrote the code more and more to practice my program design ability, I want to design a more complete functional application program, finally in a micro-computer course final-term project, I designed a simple calculator use a chip 8255 and some peripheral hardware combine program ,this project help me get good grade at this course.

      The firmware or micro-computer program design are very interesting thing for me. I think I will focus on my study on the technique development of the firmware. Now I have a passion for this choice very much.

2007年11月15日 星期四

11/16 Free Writing

       this is my first time write "Free Writing" in this blog, I think to write some viewpoints that are since these days, yesterday was the last day that my institute examination examines to check the data, inclusion:the autobiography, studying plan, the research plan, so I very happily hand in these datas, because prepare these datas lets me spend a lot of time, effort.the purpose of the end is to obtain the admission,so..next step is wait for the result be posted.

2007年11月12日 星期一

Why did I choose my major (2nd)

      Electrical Engineering is my major, choose the electrical engineering was the father's suggestion, because the electrical engineering is main industry in Taiwan, my father hopes I could have a work of stability.

      In beginning I don't have any interesting in electrical engineering, we learned about the knowledge of motor circuit or electric circuit in the course, those course are tradition technology in Electrical Engineering. I was more interested in the computer knowledge, when I went to the NTUST to study, we learned the more high-tech electrical engineering knowledge, unlike the motor knowledge of the past, we learned relatively the knowledge of incline the micro-electronics, I started got in touch with the program design,
that was a kind of from have no to have of design concept, I very like such feeling, I never thought the program combines the hardware was a very interesting thing, I would went toward the technique development of the firmware, now I have a passion for this choice very much.

2007年11月8日 星期四

Independent learning - how to use online resource learning English

      Learning English and how to use online resource help us keep learning English by yourself, most of the time, we usually study English through the ways of listen to radio, goes to the cramming class, read the magazine. the invention of the network, bring very great convenience to people, we can find a lot of resources to use from network, these resources also include the English self-study resource, so we learn English, and not necessarily need to choose the expensive way to learn, As long as we use to search the engine, any free learning resource we all can find out at any time. for example, we can go on-line listen to the BBC Learning English, there is full item can help you practice your listening, reading, writing, speaking ability, and you can go to "The OWL at Purdue" to make your English Writing better, if you want to travel, you can go to "Travlang's Language and Travel Resources" to use their translate engine, help you translate some word to difference language, and maybe you can get some travel knowledge in the web-side, so who say learning good English must spend money.

2007年11月5日 星期一

Why did I choose my major (1st)

Electrical Engineering is my major, choose the electrical engineering was the father's suggestion, because the electrical engineering is main industry in Taiwan, my father hopes I could have a work of stability, in beginning I don't have any interesting in electrical engineering, we learned about the knowledge of motor circuit or electric circuit in the course, those course are tradition technology in Electrical Engineering. I was more interested in the computer knowledge, until I start get in touch with the program design, that is a kind of from have no to have of design concept, I very like such feeling, I will go toward the technique development of the firmware ,now I have a passion for this choice very much.

Outline the chapter 4 paragraph point

Topic Sentence : All foreign students have the same difficulty - the English barrier。

There three kinds of reasons explain why foreign student has difficulty to adapt in English environment.

A. One area of difficulty is the words of English.
1. Because they usually learned many old words which people nowadays don't use anymore.

B. There are a lot of words that combine to make different meanings.
1. An example of a word is”work”. When it matches different and other words will become the phrase, it has different definition in the word.

C. Pronunciation in the word.
1. Different people have different accent in pronunciation.

Concluding sentence: Many foreign students find that learning English is the hardest part of college life, because they usually need to get along with the person of different place different culture.

2007年10月23日 星期二

I admire...

I admire Steve Wozniak, because he is Apple personal computer inventor.
a.He does not know me, but I read a book that is all one's life concerning him, he invent apple personal computer, the structure of this computer, turn into the basic module of afterwards all computers, because his invention change the life style of the people.

b.In his book, he told all of young engineers, become the artist in the engineer, and want happy in all of your life.

2007年10月22日 星期一

Using English-English Dictionaries

This week on the another English course I learned a new skill “Using English-English Dictionaries”- Why and How, teacher taught why was it used English-English dictionary to us, he explained several words translated error in the English-Chinese dictionary, because publishing house mostly want to reduce the cost, so he give us another way to help us more completely understood how to use the word, That was to choose the English-English dictionary, se said the English-English dictionary relatively there will be the word of the integrity introduction and usage, We can get the better concept from it.

2007年10月7日 星期日

About me

Hi everybody,my name is Calvin, i am major in electrical engineering
and very glad to attend this course, i am interested in movie,sports like swim,
ride bike to Wulia,play badminton,read about some kinds of leadership,
management,biography,computer technology books.this is my first time write
journal on the blog ,especially use English write, it is more difficult to me,
because my grammar ability is not good, but if I practice my English ability hard,
I assume it can do well.